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Three Podcasts to Listen to Increase Your Resolve

The R in the CRUSH Model is all about your resolution- your belief in yourself.

This stage of the CRUSH Model is all about self-belief. Confidence. It's about cultivating an inner arrogance that you KNOW you can achieve anything you set your mind on.

You have to know- with full confidence- that your success is guaranteed. It ain't about hoping and wishing, pal.

But let's face it: it's not always easy. Confidence doesn't come naturally to everyone, amiright? With most people, it has to be grown and even practiced.

This is especially true when the universe comes out of nowhere and gives you a big ol' gut punch. It happens to all of us. We've all experienced those truly awful times when we're shamed. When we're embarrassed. When we're nervous. When we flat out fuck up.

So how do you rise above all the noise and get your head back in the game? How do you cultivate an unshakable belief that you. are. a. badass.

Start here. Start with listening to other badasses. Start wrapping your head around the face that you can do whatever the fuck you want. And can- and you will- CRUSH.

These podcasts below can give you a little pump up when you need it.

1.) GaryVee: How to Build Confidence and Self-esteem

Gary Vaynerchuk is a well-known entrepreneur and all out hustler. He's crass. He's blunt. And he gives you a kick in the ass when you need it. This particular episode is hard-hitting and definitely get your head in the right place.

You can listen here

2.) Impact Theory and Nia Jax: This is How You Become Powerful

Nia Jax is a former WWE raw women’s champion, a plus-sized model, and a motivator to people all over the world. In this Impact Theory episode, she talks about how to build confidence and how to identify your unique voice.

You can listen here.

3.) Optimal Daily Living and Brian Tracy: How to Believe in Yourself

Brian Tracy poses the question: What difference would it make in your life if you had an absolutely unshakable confidence in your ability to achieve anything you really put your mind to? And he gives you simple tips on creating that unshakable confidence.

You can listen here.


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